Thursday, June 19, 2014

The World Of Parenting

Many aspects are required to know if you are ready to become a parent. You have to research the financial issues and requirements for parenthood and if you are financially secure to fiance your child. Parenting expenses, including health insurance, child care, food and housing. Emotional requirements necessary for parenting, and think about your mental health and emotional state. The social and physical duties required for parenthood. Parent are responsible for guiding the child through difficult circumstances in life and comforting the child in periods of emotional distress. Ensuring that children receive the education they require to function in society. Make every reasonable effort to ensure that children are safe from physical harm, nurtured, and safe. Evaluate your personal time and work schedule and think about the time commitment necessary for children. This should all be considered when when entering parenthood. You and your spouse or significant other should postpone parenthood till you know you have all these requirements in order to raise a child right. But parents are, above all, human beings. They have strengths and weaknesses just as all human beings do. Many new parents are young and are still figuring out what they want out of life, even as they are forced to reexamine their priorities to make room for a new family member. So some people are ready for parenting, some aren't, and some just don't want to become parents and that's okay. I think some people should not be parents for their way of being raised and they don't consider things thoroughly. Most parents jump in relationships just like their decisions. And some parents are raised wrong so they pass those bad traits down to their children instead of taking a point in time out of their life and trying to fix things and get help.

Self-Esteem & Child Development 

When children are young the most important thing a parent can do to promote a child’s self-esteem during this time is to forge a strong bond between parent and child. To assure the child will learn that she is loved and that she can depend on the guidance and nurturance of her caregivers as she ventures toward independence. Children learn they can communicate their needs to the outside world and therefore can influence the world around themselves. Discipline determines the way a child interacts with other people, so determines how successful he or she will be in life. There is nothing like success to develop self esteem. The self-esteem for that works best with a child varies with the child but I don't think their could be just one way to best serve a child's self-esteem. I think the best self esteem comes from letting your child try reasonable challenges, helping just enough for them to see that they can succeed if they try. For example, the way most parents are when babies are determined to walk. Parents hold their hands while they step, encourage them to take a few steps from one person to another, catch them if they stumble, but let them try and try and try again until they are successful. That's the way we should always be with kids, and the way school should be. Setting tasks that they have to work at, but that they can be successful at with a little help at the right moments.

Environments For Children

The pros of a stay at home parent are your child understands your rules and how you enforce them. You can control the quality of the care and fufilling your child's needs. You don't have to worry about fixing your schedule to be at home in time to see your kid. You get to be there for your child's stage in development. No one replaces you and you get to have all the time in the world with your child. The cons of a stay at home parent can be possible isolation and loneliness. Physical emotional strain on you. Play dates or other child interaction must be specially arranged. Taking time off from your career can be bad for you in the future employment options. You can loose income and benefits and you may need to make some big lifestyle changes. Now some of in-home care pros are nurturing in a home atmosphere, the child gets more attention, more convenient than out-of-home care, more flexible than daycare, and the child stays in familiar surroundings. That cons of in-home care is it is the most expensive childcare option. A lot of paperwork and taxes for the in-care provider. Most of the time their is no supervision or you may feel it's not enough supervision. Play dates must be arranged by you or the in-home care provider. It can be stressful on you if the in-home care provider quits or becomes sick. For daycare it is more affordable than a in-home care provider. More reliable because they won't call in sick or can't make it for some reason. Lots of supervision and kids can socialize with other children of the same or other age groups. Staff members of child care are trained in early childhood education and they are licensed and regulated. The cons of day cares are caregivers care for more than one child. Centers that care for specific age groups can be hard to find. Most centers won't provide care for sick children. They are closed during the holidays and have stiff pickup and drop-off times. If I had to choose the best out of these three options my choice would be a stay at home parent. I want to spend every living breathing moment with my kid as much as possible. And it may get boring or lonely sometimes but I would find some activities for me and my child to do together so the bond can become stronger and I can help build their self-esteem, needs, and love. 

Positive Parenting

As children grow through natural stage of development and build stronger relationships with their parents and their peers their are higher expectation levels for a child. I think positive parenting works because it helps guide a child on the right path. It helps a child learn and consider responsibility and the outcome of being obedient. It teaches a child their actions matter and helps them for future situations that may happen. And it goes both ways, a happy parent is a happy child. Children mirror their parents and if you're calm, happy, and have more patience with your child the entire household will be more harmonious. You are a model for your child and that can help them model their own behavior in the long run. 

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