Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Organic activist.

    I don't know about the rest of the world but I would really appreciate it if I knew what was going into my body instead of poisonous foods. I not only want to look out for myself but for my children, gran children, and the world. I'm trying really hard to spread the word about how important it is to be healthy the "organic way" and i'm only in high school. I know my voice is small compared to the other billion people on this earth who don't know or don't really read the labels or care to know but I didn't know till this summer finding out through organic hair products. I hope there are many other young people who care to think about these things as I do, i'm grateful to stumble upon organic and the importance of it because I have a chance to change. It's not too late and it's never to late. I thought I was alone non of my family members really care about eating right that's why they have most of their disorders now & I thought there was no hope for me either. But I found their are people who are passionate about being safe just as much as I am. I thank all the organic websites and distributors such as Dr. Bronners, Australian certified organic, Dr. Hauschka skin care, Dr. David Brownstein, and many more. Especially to Seeds Of Death movie on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUd9rRSLY4A) I even had to buy it to show my kids when I'm older, how important it really is to be healthy and be aware of dangerous things. Most important life lesson is anyone can sell you a lie, you just have to have the time to research that lie and really overlook it to tell whether or not it's a lie or the truth. And it's really sad/to me really degrading we have to do that to our entire home, our cloths, pillows, beverages, nails, teeth, and etc. I thought they'd stop at putting harmful chemicals & substances in our hair products BUT NOW IT'S OUR FOOD. The one thing that everyone loves is food and they even took that away from us. I don't even feel safe in my own house/economy I feel like cattle, all I am to my country is just another social security number. My country's not looking out for me nor my parents, I feel like have to look after myself so I utterly support all of the organic activist people care, you just have to show them and teach them knowledge. And to those who don't, you have to make them care. To start the change please help the food democracy now to tell president Obama to veto the Monosanto Protection Act.

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