Sunday, May 13, 2012

Freshmans.. more like Fresh Stupid Meat.

Never what I had expected.. Everyones getting nastier, hormones are going crazy, cleavage is showing, so much weave, etc! And everyone wants to fight & girls get so low like get a life really. One girl fucked so many times I lost count & she supposedly had a boyfriend with a kid like really?! AND she CHEATTING ON HER BF WOW.. She’s a know., then this other girl is so..FUCKED UP *British accent* So her and this guy went out for not even one whole day she’s like head over heals for him, she gave him a bj & they didn’t even get through the day without being together .. I was looking at her like, do you have any morals? Or is that just me? He’s going to go with this girl that’s his friend because he feels bad for her but he still likes the girl that gave him a blow, but of course that’s like his booty call why not. These girl swear they're in love I don't think girls know of days know the difference between friends with benefits and love or strong like. Another girl went with my ex and I bet they would only last a month and what happen.. oh i don't know... they only lasted a month. He got into trouble had to go away for a while (rehab), an while he was gone she went to this other dude and when he boy came back after doing his time she ran right back to him. #SMH. Scandalous. I don't see how kids are in rehab in high school it's not that hard. I don't see how girls think it's cute to spread the word about how they're not virgins anymore.. it's not attractive at all. But who know's it's not just girls that are nasty and don't have morals it's guys too most don't care who to f with they just want a quickie most of the time. Then, another girl had my mind blow when she did this she has this boyfriend they're doing great but she decides to get bold and cheat on him with another girl like, *TF? Just happend* he got mad an she dumped the girl for the guy #smart idea lol. But they're not making girls as classy as they use to. We as females need to get it together please. And to the people skip class seeming cool even though nobody cares if their there or not it’s whatever it’s so stupid were not even in class for that long come on al lyou have to do is just sit still for a while it’s not that crucial. Everyones getting knocked up way too fast because no ones having that talk with them so it seams okay and fine or whatever but it's not, it's not a race. A girl was in 7th grade and she was already pregnant, that's sad. Rumors about people doing it & fight it’s just insane an I know teachers just love to gossip about us in the teacher’s lounge. 
We need to get our shi together, seriously. 

~I wanna be born in the hippie day with flowers & not a care in the world. ~

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